Friday, September 23, 2005

Tenn. ‘ex-gay’ facility faces closure deadline


The Washington Blade

Tenn. ‘ex-gay’ facility faces closure deadline
Case could open new church/state debate

Friday, September 23, 2005

Tennessee officials extended by one week the deadline by which Love in Action — a Christian “ex-gay” organization — must either apply for a license or stop operating two group homes.

The group has until Friday, Sept. 23 to comply.

Love in Action is the largest and oldest program within Exodus International, a network of about 100 ministries focusing on changing the sexual orientation of clients...


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

What is a "disabling illness"?

"According to a study published in the September issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, a therapy developed by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine has shown that simply maintaining a regular daily routine and coping with stress can virtually eliminate [bipolar disorder]."

"Reading this news story brought to mind an interview I did almost 35 years ago, with the late educator and home-schooling guru, John Holt. During the meetings we had, he covered a number of subjects, but it is significant to this topic that he had his own theories about "learning disabilities" and how individual differences in how different people learn things had been blown into a whole industry in itself. Even back then, the signs were all there, as Holt himself noted."

Full Story